Sunday, April 19, 2009

Northern Flicker

After putting up a bird feed, there were no customers for first hour or so. Suddenly a woodpecker showed up at around 1100 and the winner is northern flicker, Colaptes auratus. My first mate has reported similar sighting last weekend, but no confirmation. The white rump is the only hint at that point. Finally, the way it stood on the oak tree gave away for a woodpecker. The red 'Y' mark on the head, black crescent and spots on the belly were the measure for the Northern flicker. Possibly a female according to my first mate.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Strolling with my first mate this evening, two beavers showed up at Lake Artemisia and were enjoying this beautiful spring day.

For the following evening, we spotted three beavers; possible 2 adults and one youngster.